Five Things I Wish Someone Would Have Told Me About Having My Children Close In Age
Even though both of my children were planned, getting pregnant with my daughter when my son was only nine months old was nerve wracking. Will and Charli are 18 months and 1 day apart. Some days are stressful and make me want to curl up into a ball and cry. But I wouldn't have it any other way. Here are five things I wish someone would have told me about having my children close in age. 1. They will be best friends . Will and Charli are best friends. They do everything together. People suggested doing one on one things with each child, but we can't without protest from them. They want to be together all the time. If they can't be together, their world comes crashing down. They are happiest in each others company and always bring out the best in each other. 2. They will be fiercely protective of each other. I don't think my husband and I will ever have to worry about either of our children being bullied. It amazes me how protective Will and Charli already ar...
And I am lucky to have you in my life. What a blessing you are to me!